Julien riel-salvatore - aRIANE burke

department of anthropology, UniversitY OF montrEal

Axis 2 extends the study of human/environment interactions from the Last Glacial (Axis 1) to the Tardiglacial. The projects that comprise this axis focus on the impact of global warming on human population dynamics and dispersal. We investigate the impact of climate change and landscape transformations on human populations in Europe (projects 2.1 & 2.2) and North Africa (project 2.3). The Tardiglacial is a key period for understanding the impact of rapid climate change and associated environmental stochasticity on human systems and Axis 2 will allow us to test hypotheses such as Variability Selection. The history human dispersals into the New World (Projects 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6) will also be examined through the lens of environmental change using modelling techniques.

PROJECT 2.1 The impact of global warming during the Tardiglacial on the dynamics of human populations in Europe, their mobility and the adoption of agriculture.

PROJECT 2.2 The expansion of Magdalenian populations in Northern Europe.

PROJECT 2.3 Territories and social dynamics: a study of human population structure in North Africa during the Middle Stone Age - Late Stone Age transition. Solène BOISARD (PhD candidate), direction A. BURKE and C. WREN

PROJECT 2.4 Early Beringian dispersals: archaeozoological and taphonomic study of the fauna of the Blue Fish Caves (Yukon Territory, Canada)''. Direction L. BOURGEON

PROJECT 2.5 The impact of wind transport on skeletal tissues: experimental taphonomy in the subarctic zone.
Félix MAROIS (M.Sc candidate), direction A. BURKE and J. KING

PROJECT 2.6 ''Modelling of human dispersions in Beringia''
Catharina IGREJAS (M.Sc candidate), direction A. BURKE